Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Vulpine antics

It is extraordinarily quiet round us at night, and thus the odd sound makes quite an impact.  We used to warn folks staying that if a shot went off it was probably our neighbour keeping the rats off his prize fancy duck eggs - but he has upped his security and we no longer hear those.
We do, however hear the wildlife.  Owls are the most frequent.  The snuffling noisier than one would expect hedgehogs are rare these days.  The other night - well, very early morning - I was startled by screaming.
It was not human, and because I'd heard the cough/bark beforehand I knew it was a fox.  I looked it up, and it's to do with amorous intent rather than distress - well certainly on the part of the male.  This is what it sounds like.
The photograph comes from here where there are some lovely pictures.


  1. It's an eerie sound, is it not? I very clearly remember the first time I heard a fox - we were at home in the U.K., and I had no idea what it was.

  2. Yes, there are lots of weird natural noises which sound awful until they are explained.
