Thursday, January 24, 2019

Really diving in

The approach to this project was to ponder as little as possible.  I wanted decisions to be instinctive with no or minimum mulling.  The book was going to cost me an amount which I was willing to pay for this experiment, this first pull of a print, so to speak.
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The only rule (and that is too definite a term) I set myself was to include all sea and strand related images worked up in my files.
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  1. How interesting! I can well imagine the total absorption that was possible when you were alone for several days. Photo and word processing has that almost hypnotic effect on me too. It can be very rewarding but exhausting and perhaps it's just as well I don't have such concentrated quiet time very often!

    1. Margaret, I find that it is always great to be able to have the focus normally found in going away to a workshop, but in my own space with all my tools to hand.

    2. It is indeed - but not easy to find!
