Friday, May 03, 2019

Busy doing nothing exciting

In that waiting limbo, hanging around expecting something to be moved forward - out of my control - getting on with work in progress, with the occasional doodle such as this one exploring pattern, and figures more or less how I feel.


  1. Nice to know someone else is in that place . . . :-)

    1. Sheila, I really do not enjoy waiting. I'm very much a 'let's get on with it' person. Sorry that you are hanging around too.

    2. Oh, in my case it's nothing to be sorry about. I AM busy doing nothing that on the surface seems exciting, but it is secretly exciting to me and filling the time until the other, more usual things I used to work on fervently kick back in again, reignite as it were. I think this interim "waiting limbo" was more needed than I realized, and what I've been busy at will relate back. Waiting usually is not an issue for me, usually very patient in letting things unfold. But if that is not you, then I understand why you see this period a bit frustrating.

    3. Ah - my waiting limbo is to do with life and not work. I have lots of patience when dealing with work and work ideas. I do let them flow at their own pace - I don't think that I would be a hand stitcher otherwise.

    4. Yes, I decided (upon rereading and more thought) that we were probably experiencing different kinds of waiting, although some of mine with my work has to do with things outside it, specifically still some healing to physically be able to do some of it, and trying a new med which may improve my energy and motivation. I AM a bit impatient about those last two because they really did/have put me in a limbo not anticipated. But as I said, it seems to be for the good, provided I just accept it. And you are right about the hand stitching. Can't tell you the number of people (including my late husband) who would watch me with my cross stitch and hand quilting and not know how it could not bore me silly, all that repetitive motion. They could not see what I saw in it, the emerging images and textures, and the calming effect of that repetition. Well, I hope your limbo is resolved soon.
