Thursday, February 14, 2019

Spring surprise

It has been so mild for a couple of days, it feels beautifully positive.  I have been enjoying so many snowdrops around.  The horrendous traffic as I drove to the dentist at rush hour yesterday was quite forgotten when on my route I saw a display as full as the one below.  There was a lovely mist then hovering just above the blooms, but today the sky is as blue as the one in the picture above.
(Both images from here)


  1. We have snowdrops flowering opposite our kitchen window, daffodil buds showing through the soil and, surprisingly, a single clump of primroses has been blooming optimistically under a large yew tree for almost a month. As you said, positive - and hopeful and, every year, a joy.

    1. It was so incredibly warm yesterday, Margaret. Even after all these decades, the Spring flowers still lift the spirit. We too have thrusts of narcissus, lots of primroses, snowdrops, and the glorious hellebores.
