Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Doodle inspired by the idea of tweets


  1. This one appeals to me enormously. I'm reading the suggestion that tweets are best left to birds. Maybe the owl would manage greater wisdom than some!

    1. Thanks Margaret. I so dislike the lack of considered thinking that the twittersphere encourages. When last on Skye I saw a field of hooded crows apparently yelling at each other for no apparent reason - and on the other hand the barn owl always looks such so quietly wise, even if a little disdainful.

  2. That made me smile! I guess I can relate to the body language. I don't know how people can keep up with twitter - facebook is hard enough - and now that you mention your crows & owl encounter, it is the perfect analogy.

    1. Sheila, I don't know how anyone gets anything much done these days if they keep up with all the social media available. I do not belong to any community other than the blogosphere, and that too takes up too much of my time.

  3. Looks like twitter needs a defender here :) There is so many visual artists, historians, writers, poets and just interesting people out there who are definitely for considered thinking. It is the matter of following them and then your feed looks like the best stuff only :)
    But love your picture anyway!

    1. Bozena, I'm sure you are right - not everything is totally bad, and the Internet provides access to so much informative communication. I'm glad that you like the picture, which I think could perhaps stand on its own without any stated link to twitter.

  4. If you have a minute, I’d really appreciate it if you took a look at Emily’s Virtual Rocket. This is a serious newsblog which has been taken from e-newspapers and e-magazines from around the world, with an emphasis on transgender issues. Also, with his election, I look for articles which critique Donald Trump.

    I hope you enjoy this. Please paste the following:


    If you like it, please consider putting it among your favorite blogs. I would greatly appreciate it.

